Solutions. For Life.


Learning React for Svelte Developers
Best Practices for Data Migrations
Here was the chance to lose some old, bad habits, and replace them with new _Patterns_!
Rude Boy Solutions is now moving to Octopress
Rude Boy Solutions is now moving to Octopress
How to detect cookies in Rails 3
I believe this may be a bad idea, in general, but here is a cheap way
Build a unified `time_select` field
I was happy until the Rails upgrade caused my gem to inexplicably stop working.
Configuring GEdit Click Config Plugin
I installed a few plugins, but only one of them took me by surprise\: Click Config.
Create an inline edit field with one line of jQuery
Essentially one line of javascript to accomplish this easy feat
Keeping nVidia loaded across boots
Then came the hard part - how to make Fedora switch video drivers based on whther it boots in VirtualBox or not.
A working version of my ThemeSwitcherTool
I added a few extra options to cover the changes I made.
A suggestion for a Save All icon for the Tango Project
Ever notice how the Tango icons don't have a "Save All" icon?
Ideas on how to teach CSC courses using only a web browser
Ideas on how to teach CSC courses using only a web browser
New Theme Under Construction...
I am creating a new theme for WordPress called Bubbly Blue
Using ImageMagick to repair corrupted images
the images [...] were taken with my phone's camera and all had errors
How to Find polynomial coefficients using Pascal's Triangle
I have always had a certain love for math and the neat things you can do with it.
Creating a TeTex .pup for Puppy Linux 4.20
I really wanted tetex and a good editor, but don't really like installing pups/pets
How to Build Enlightenment Desktop on Fedora 10
i have begun to build and install Enlightenment e17 on my Fedora 10 x86_64 laptop
List of projects for GSoC 2009
Google has announced a another Summer of Code for 2009
Building a CSS Switcher using jQuery
I try to buy MSI products whenever possible
Comparing Windows and Linux on MSI GX700
I try to buy MSI products whenever possible
Installing Chromium for Fedora 10 x86_64 bit
Chromium for Fedora 10 x86_64 bit
Installing Aptana in Fedora Eclipse
Aptana is a wonderful tool for web design.
Drop-down menu with no JS
The CSS Drop-down Menu is fairly simple.
Information on virtual OSs and benchmarks
I am currently taking a class on Operating System design and need to do some kernel hacking for the class.
Framework of js effects
Last semester, I started a project to ease my work quite a bit.
pictures of al at werk
auto uploaded pics of al at werk
pictures of al at werk again
auto uploaded pics of al at werk again
more pictures of my baby
auto uploaded pics of my baby
pictures of my baby
auto uploaded pics of my baby
pictures of my bartender, mark
auto uploaded pics of my bartender, mark
It is now day 0 for gSoC
I have hit the ground running and am off to a good start
wxCPAN Going Well
I have successfully managed to implement a CPANPLUS::Shell.
wxCPAN is underway!
I have started doing heavy-duty research into wxPerl
I got accepted into Google's Summer of Code! My project is a GUI for CPAN.
A little bit about myself and my blog.
Hello, all! This is the blog for "Skaman Sam" Tyler, founder of Rude Boy Enterprises.