jQuery Style Sheet (CSS) Switcher
posted on: 4/1/2009, 6:16:00 PM
last updated: 4/1/2009, 6:16:00 PM
Reading Time: less than a minute read
I have been looking for a nifty style-switching script, and have found none. So here is the code for a checkbox-based style switcher. This uses jQuery.
The Javascript:
* -by Skaman Sam Tyler - http://rbe.homeip.net
* This script uses checkboxes to add and remove stylesheets from the page.
* It takes the value of the 'rel' attribute from the checkbox and creates a stylesheet link with it.
* */
if ($) { //check for jQuery
//on document load, uncheck all checked boxes and add function handler for
$(document).ready( function() {
$('.styleToggle').removeAttr("checked"); //uncheck all checked
$('.styleToggle').click( function() { //add handler for clicking
return true;
//the toggling of the style. it takes a single parameter: the href of the stylesheet to toggle
function toggleStyle(href) {
//check for presence of link, if it exists, delete it, else, add it.
console.log("Adding: "+$('link[href*='+href+']'));
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+href+'" type="text/css" media="screen" />');
The HTML file should include something like this:
<form name="styleSwitchForm">
<li><label><input type="checkbox" rel="/styles/red.css" class="styleToggle"/> Red Style</label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" rel="/styles/blue.css" class="styleToggle"/> Blue Style</label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" rel="/styles/green.css" class="styleToggle"/> Green Style</label></li>