Here was the chance to lose some old, bad habits, and replace them with new _Patterns_!
Rude Boy Solutions is now moving to Octopress
I believe this may be a bad idea, in general, but here is a cheap way
I was happy until the Rails upgrade caused my gem to inexplicably stop working.
I installed a few plugins, but only one of them took me by surprise\: Click Config.
Create an inline edit field with one line of jQuery
Essentially one line of javascript to accomplish this easy feat
Then came the hard part - how to make Fedora switch video drivers based on whther it boots in VirtualBox or not.
A working version of my ThemeSwitcherTool
I added a few extra options to cover the changes I made.
Ever notice how the Tango icons don't have a "Save All" icon?
Ideas on how to teach CSC courses using only a web browser
Ideas on how to teach CSC courses using only a web browser
I am creating a new theme for WordPress called Bubbly Blue
the images [...] were taken with my phone's camera and all had errors
I have always had a certain love for math and the neat things you can do with it.
I really wanted tetex and a good editor, but don't really like installing pups/pets
How to Build Enlightenment Desktop on Fedora 10
i have begun to build and install Enlightenment e17 on my Fedora 10 x86_64 laptop
Google has announced a another Summer of Code for 2009
I try to buy MSI products whenever possible
I try to buy MSI products whenever possible
Installing Chromium for Fedora 10 x86_64 bit
Chromium for Fedora 10 x86_64 bit
Aptana is a wonderful tool for web design.
The CSS Drop-down Menu is fairly simple.
Information on virtual OSs and benchmarks
I am currently taking a class on Operating System design and need to do some kernel hacking for the class.
Last semester, I started a project to ease my work quite a bit.
auto uploaded pics of al at werk
auto uploaded pics of al at werk again
auto uploaded pics of my bartender, mark
I have hit the ground running and am off to a good start
I have successfully managed to implement a CPANPLUS::Shell.
I have started doing heavy-duty research into wxPerl
I got accepted into Google's Summer of Code! My project is a GUI for CPAN.
Hello, all! This is the blog for "Skaman Sam" Tyler, founder of Rude Boy Enterprises.