New Theme Under Construction...
posted on: 7/31/2009, 9:25:00 AM
last updated: 8/9/2009, 9:25:00 AM
Reading Time: 2 min read
Hello, all RBS followers! I am creating a new theme for WordPress called Bubbly Blue, which is part of my Bubbly Blue theme series. So far I have only one other
- an Ampache theme. I am using this blog as a testing area for this theme, so please be patient if something goes horribly awry!
Thank you all!
Updated August 9:
Here are some features of my theme so far:
- Three-Layer Header for more customization! = The background layer is for gradients, etc. The Logo layer is for your logo. The FX layer is for added graphics to enhance the other layers.
- A top menu, which can show all pages as tabs. Also doubles as a sidebar.
- Three sidebars: one dropdown menu and two sidebars on either side of main content area. These can be turned on/off in the options panel.
- W3C standards-compliance. A graphic link has been added to the footer so you can just click to test the validity of each page.
My theme is almost complete! Still left to do:
- Move header text over when logo is enabled/disabled
- Fix Comments/Respond tabs on posts
- Create Default sidebar widgets if dynamic widgets are not available
- Add login form to header/sidebar and add option for which to use.
Resize content area when sidebars are turned off.Curve corners of header, footer and sidebars
- Sort Through and optimize Stylesheet
- Ajax-ify Comments
- Three-Layer header options panel.
- Remove unused php files / consolidate php files
- Cleanup code!
- More Testing!