Building a unified `time_select` field
posted on: 4/10/2013, 11:10:11 AM
last updated: 4/10/2013, 11:10:11 AM
Reading Time: 2 min read
Before I migrated to Rails 3.2, I used a plugin to provide a unified input field for time_select with either the standard Rails ActionView or the SimpleForm gem (SimpleForm uses ActionView under the hood). I was happy until the Rails upgrade caused my gem to inexplicably stop working. I had a deadline to meet and could not be bothered with complicated solutions. I searched and searched for alternatives to this fine gem, but none were found. Then it hit me: why not just write my own code and replace the inputs with my own code? Surely it can't take too long to build a time input based on the simple_time_select gem! So here it is: my simple version of the gem, with only a few modifications from the simple_time_select gem.
Here is my old code, utilizing simple_time_select. The gem is used only
if :simple_time_select
is true, and it uses the :minute_interval
, :start_hour
, :end_hour
, and a host of other options for setting
the times. I wish it had a way for specifying just a start_time and end_time.
<div class="field">
<%= f.input :start_time,
:label=>"Start Time:",
:simple_time_select => true,
:minute_interval => 5,
:time_separator => "",
:start_hour => 06,
:end_hour => 17
I had to search for an algorithm to use for the periodicity, and settled on the
algorithm discussed in this discussion on Stack
and is inlined as the :collection option. Since the :default option removes the
inital blank I wanted as the first item in the list, I has to add a blank
<div class="field">
<%- time_start =>6,:minute=>0) %>
<%- time_end =>17,:minute=>55) %>
<%- period = 5.minutes %>
<%= f.input :start_time,
:include_blank => '',
f.object.start_time.blank? ?
"" : f.object.start_time.strftime("%H:%M")
:collection=> (
|array| array << array.last + period
while array.last < time_end
|t| [t.strftime("%l:%M %p"), t.strftime("%H:%M")]
I am sure you can wrap this in a Helper class somewhere, and it should be easy to monkeypatch ActiveView or SimpleForm to display this instead of the default.
- Stack Overflow discussion on time periodicity in Rails (used for periodicity algorithm)
- Tutorial on using simple_time_select
- SimpleForm gem
- simple_time_select gem